The paper introduces the features of Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer (NDP).
A simple introduction to X9312 digital potentiometer made and a practical algorithm is given.
Select a nonvolatile digital potentiometer if you must program the gate's state in nonvolatile memory.
The threshold value signal of two-valued is offered by Digital potentiometer which is controlled by SCM.
This design adopts the virtue of modern-amplifier and digital potentiometer to attain the programmable index require.
The digital potentiometer's bandwidth determines the maximum data rate for signals transmitted through the potentiometer.
The system Simplifies hardware circuit by using a MAX5451 digital potentiometer chip, it also digitized the laser power control.
OTP is a cost-effective alternative to EEMEM for users who do not need to program the digital potentiometer setting in memory more than once.
If you need only a few nonvolatile gates, consider using a component common in analog - and mixed-signal systems: the digital potentiometer (Figure 1).
The controller of aiming control platform (ACP) is composed with AT98C2051, Voltage comparing circuit, electric bridge and digital potentiometer X9241.
瞄控台自动控制器由at98c 2051、电桥和电压比较电路及数控电位器x 9241组成。
Button control digital potentiometer X9511 is consists of time delay circuit removed dithering, mono - stability circuit, preventative dithering trigger.
按钮式控制数字电位器x 9511由延时去抖动电路、单稳电路、触发器组成。
This article analyzed digital potentiometer structure and its performance and found it could be used to form the current loop in the wind speed control system.
Many of digital circuit technologies are adopted in the hardware circuit design, such as DSP technology, DDS technology, digital potentiometer technology and so on.
In order to ensure A phase and B phase circuits are symmetric, digital potentiometer X9C503 with exterior pressed key in the feedback amplification circuit is designed.
Principle of high voltage power supply based on PWM chip TL494 is introduced in this paper. The adjustment of the voltage is performed by digital potentiometer controlled by MCU.
介绍基于脉宽调制芯片TL 494的高压电源的工作原理,其电压可由单片机控制的数字电位器进行调整。
I2C bus digital potentiometer AD5242 was used as core of digital alternating current parameter multi-function meter, it has a point, two point and multiple point sampling arithmetic.
Intelligent magnetic field meter is a new intelligent magnetic field measure insurance instrument based on hail effect, which adopts single-chip microcomputer and digital potentiometer chip.
Computer is used as digital controller in control system of three-freedom degree digital machine arm based on BP algorithm, and potentiometer measures position of hoist and up-down pendulum Angle.
Because the resistance of a digital-potentiometer wiper decreases with increasing supply voltage, you should select a high supply voltage.
Because the resistance of a digital-potentiometer wiper decreases with increasing supply voltage, you should select a high supply voltage.