Digital reference service is one of the kernel business of digital libraries.
It's imperative for small and medium-sized public libraries to carry out online Digital Reference Service (DRS).
The paper points out that: Digital Reference Service (DRS) is a kind of information integration service facing users.
The reference service of hybrid library is the combination of traditional reference service and digital reference service.
This article introduces the present work system and management methods of digital reference service in Korea college libraries.
With the rapid development of Internet, digital reference service (DRS) is gradually becoming the main serving method of library.
User is the core of digital reference service, meeting user's need is the starting point and purpose of digital reference service.
The thesis points out digital reference service is a new concept and the product of traditional library and information technology.
The research on user can enrich content system of the digital reference service research, explement the research gap in our country.
Digital reference service provided a good platform, also greatly expanded the library and user interaction space and interactive way.
Discusses the interaction effect among digital reference service, information technology, users and other reference service organizations.
The library should take the advantage of itself to contribute to public lifelong-learning education by develop live digital reference service.
Digital reference service (DRS) has been a more and more important serving manner in modern library in current networked information circumstance.
The article discuses the problems on digital reference service in the academic libraries, and presents corresponding Suggestions and countermeasures.
This article discusses and analyses the leading principles to develop the digital reference service and the service styles in current domestic libraries.
It is believed that the digital reference service is becoming one of the most important patron services during the transition period of the university library.
The article analyzes the shortage of the recent reference service research, that is both "virtual reference desk"and "Digital reference service"only on the patterns.
Interactive management is a new concept. Digital reference service provided a good platform and expanded interaction space and interactive way for the library and users.
This paper introduces digital reference service and data mining, and expounds the design flowchart of digital reference service system based on data mining and the design of database structure.
On the base of analyzing the advantages of resources in our university, this paper has designed the suitable digital reference service models for teaching and researching, and predicted its prospect.
This paper discusses about the characteristics and the main form of the digital reference service, points out that the digital reference service is the content of library's core service in the future.
Virtual reference service usually adopts three models in digital library.
This paper first reviews the transformation of the digital reference counseling service and analyzes its main features.
The appearance of digital library presumes the necessity of library virtual reference service being created.
Academic Virtual Reference Service System is a rising digital library operation.
This paper discusses the importance of personalized service of digital reference in university libraries, and analyzes how to develop the personalized service.
The main items includes characteristic digital resourses construction, network reference service, electronic magazines, mutual borrow and navigation service.
This paper introduces the situation of 7 online virtual reference service projects and proposes a rational suggest of virtual reference service application for digital library in our country.
This paper introduces the situation of 7 online virtual reference service projects and proposes a rational suggest of virtual reference service application for digital library in our country.