Temperature gathering USES digital temperature sensor DS18B20.
In order to guarantee the measure accuracy, we also use DS1820 digital temperature sensor to realize temperature compensating.
Digital temperature sensor based on the thermometer DS18B20 design, the three digital display temperature, keep one decimal place.
The character and application in the granary temperature decting and controlling system of digital temperature sensor DS18B20 are introduced.
This paper introduced the characteristic of digital temperature sensor DS18B20 especially its new characteristic comparing with DS1820 state.
In corresponding electronic circuit, a digital temperature sensor and an extra detector were utilized to calculate parameters of models in real time.
The application of the DS1820 digital temperature sensor in the measuring and controlling system and software design is discussed detailedly in the paper.
Wireless temperature transmitter using low power consumption CPU control technology to control digital temperature sensor and wireless transmitting module.
The serial digital temperature sensor MC74 is the high precision IC. It has many characteristics, such as low cost, high precision, serial linear output etc.
This topic research based on single bus STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer and the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 multi-spot temperature measuring system.
本课题主要研究基于STC 89c52单片机与单总线DS18B 20数字温度传感器的多点温度测量系统。
Slaves are composed by two Digital Temperature Sensor LM75A chips to fetch the real time temperatures and send the temperature data to response to the master.
The main characteristic and operating principle of MC74 are introduced, the wireless digital temperature sensor circuits and some of programs based on MC74 are given.
Analog temperature sensor and digital temperature sensor are adopted in the axle temperature monitor and alarm system of the passenger train to detect and alarming the axle temperature.
Comparing with the other sensors, the digital temperature sensor DS1621 and the insertion sensor for measuring moisture content of cereals are of easy use, high precision of measuring and so on.
The wireless data transmission system which is composed of wireless data transmission device nRF24L01 and high-precision 1-Wire bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20, is introduced in this paper.
A temperature transducer that is based on digital temperature sensor DS1620 and microcontroller AT89C2051 is developed. In this paper the principle and software flow of the transducer are introduced.
设计了基于数字式温度传感器ds1620和单片机at89c 2051的温度变送器,介绍了变送器的工作原理和软件流程。
SHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a calibrated digital signal output of the temperature and humidity combined sensor.
The function and features of the digital silicon temperature sensor TC77 are introduced in this paper in details and how to develop TC77 interfacing with PIC Micro controller in telemetry system.
Based on the digital signal process (DSP) communication with digital pressure sensor, the pressure, temperature and calibration coefficients can be read from digital pressure sensor.
The temperature and pressure sensor gathered on-the-spot temperature and pressure signal, and A/D converter converted analog signals into digital signals to revise the on-the-spot flow of natural gas;
The moisture sensor makes digital modulation and compensation on signal non-linearity and temperature offset by adoption of microprocessor.
Water temperature is given by the digital sensor DS18B20, the wanted temperature is set by the button, both temperature are shown by LED.
A method of thermocouple cold junction temperature real time compensation was introduced, which utilizes digital sensor to measure temperature, and micro-controller to process the temperature data.
The temperature is measured with an integrated temperature sensor AD590, amplified and zeroed through an analog circuit, displayed directly by a digital voltmeter.
用集成温度传感器ad5 90测量温度,通过模拟电路调零和放大,其温度由数字毫伏表直接显示。
The regulating instrument is composed of a regulating circuit, a liquid level sensor, a temperature sensor, two executors, and a digital thermometer.
New digital temperature humidity sensor DHT11 has many advantages such as compactness, simple interface, fast response, and cheapness.
The monolithic integrated circuit may the water temperature simulation quantity which examines the temperature sensor transform the digital quantity, demonstrates on the LED monitor.
Based on the principle of infrared radiation, a non contacted digital sensor which can be used on temperature measurement of high voltage power equipment is designed.
Using the IC temperature sensor AD590 and the A/D convertor 7107 etc. , a high precision digital-displayed temperature controller is designed.
Using the IC temperature sensor AD590 and the A/D convertor 7107 etc. , a high precision digital-displayed temperature controller is designed.