It is Australia's oldest diplomatic mission abroad.
Philo not only presented the theory of Diaspora but practised it , that is the Jewry's diplomatic mission to Rome led by Philo.
I have had the privilege of building up a new diplomatic mission together with my colleagues, in a country that everybody is interested in.
Prince of Chu dispatched him to the state of Qi with a diplomatic mission. In the eve of departure, he visited Confucius asking for advice about this mission.
D., Fanzhuo was sent on a diplomatic mission to Yunnan. There were records in his "Man Book" that "Tea is planted in the boundary mountains of Yingsheng City, but no process methods."
Muscovite university and Russia are stationed in China diplomatic mission has immediate synergic concern, the formalities of enter a school that heads for greatest study is dealt with very handy.
The Foreign Service had been profoundly affected when in 1973 the American ambassador and the deputy chief of mission in Khartoum were seized at a diplomatic reception and murdered the next day.
Article 8 a diplomatic bag of the mission, whether outbound or incoming, shall be released by the Customs without inspection.
According to diplomatic envoys of different mission to mission, diplomats can be divided into many categories.
Policies state that consuls officers of Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission should give assistance to the parties.
Policies state that consuls officers of Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission should give assistance to the parties.