That remark does not refer to [direct at] her.
Amend routing instructions : proceed to KC direct at 4500m .
The pedestal drives a cuboid antenna, which can pitch and roll to direct at target accurately, and is driven by servo control.
The important points in the paper direct at the factors in micro composition of market on the one hand, and its impacts on market liquidity on the other.
ABSTRACT: This paper introduced the progress control process of initial energization in AP1000 Sanmen Project, and provided the analysis direct at schedule variance appeared.
This paper starts from America's tariffing on Chinese tyre, probes the reasons, analyzes its impact to Chinese tyre industry and puts forward proper proposals direct at Chinese actual condition.
At a construction site, assistant site managers report to head site managers and plan, direct and coordinate the necessary tasks to complete that day's activities.
The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers.
Daniels is at his best when he's cool and direct, rather than combative and polemical.
Reducing the amount of sleep students get at night has a direct impact on their performance at school during the day.
"When our minds are at ease, we're more likely to direct the spotlight of attention towards that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere," Lehrer writes.
Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: "Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools."
Systems that rely heavily on direct payments, including user fees, at the time of care actually increase poverty.
Each of those roles, with the exception of product marketing, now has a direct contact with similar responsibilities at Microsoft.
Doesn’t he promise to sort out Iran by means of direct talks at the highest level, a necessary step that George Bush could never quite bring himself to take?
First, direct out-of-pocket payments at the time of care are identified as the single biggest barrier to universal coverage.
Finally, I left the "Student" actor in the diagram, even though no direct interaction occurs at this point because this actor is referred to in the steps of the use case.
最后,即使在这时没有发生直接交互,我也保留了序列图中的“Student ”参与者,因为这个参与者将在用例步骤中引用。
ITC also posted the price it was prepared to pay for soyabeans of a particular quality bought direct from farmers at 45 "hubs" (mostly in the same towns as mandis).
ITC公司也能公布某一品质大豆的预购价,这些大豆将从45个交易中心(大多和mand i位于同一个城镇)的农民那里直接购买。
This compares to banner advertising that averages below 1 percent and paper-based direct marketing at 1 percent to 2 percent.
而banner广告的回复率在1%以下,基于纸媒的直接营销在1% - 2%之间。
He had seen her look this way before only in relation to her mother, but, at some level, he had always expected that she would one day direct this look at him.
These machines then gave instructions to the hacked PC - generally ordering them to direct traffic straight at victim websites, in attempt to overload them and force them to crash.
Efforts to reconcile Palestinians appeared to take a step forward on Sunday when Hamas and Fatah representatives meeting in Yemen agreed to hold direct talks aimed at resolving their split.
If the answer is no, you might want to take another look at those direct marketing Numbers.
"We're looking at the direct effect of a single dose of paroxetine," says van der Veen, who adds that the findings might help explain why some people report blunted emotions when taking SSRIs.
The rationale for this rule is that you cannot distinguish an inherited work item from a direct one at first sight.
The rationale for this rule is that you cannot distinguish an inherited work item from a direct one at first sight.