Though little evidence of any direct effect was found, the frequent negative correlations between IT and performance suggested that IT had probably weakened some firms' competitive positions.
The quality of laser stripe images has direct effect on the accuracy of system.
Infant-care behavior of cotton-top tamarin has a direct effect on infant mortality.
And even if coffee and tea have some direct effect on glioma risk, the impact would be small.
Its direct effect is the quick rhythm, quitness and coherence appeared in the face of the text.
The parliament also has a direct effect on the of scientists and the research paths available to them.
It's said that a person's intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his or her earnings.
Map of globe shows percentage of predicted warming due to the direct effect of carbon dioxide on plants.
It has a direct effect on people's understanding of sentences, translation and their communication.
What I do, what I say, even what I thank, inevitably has a direct effect on my relationships with others.
The clothing that coaches wear can have a direct effect on the players' perceptions of his ability, they found.
原来,教练们也迷信啊! 研究显示,教练在“比赛时场外的穿着”可以直接影响场内球员对他们个人能力的理解和判断,是真的,足球中章鱼保罗不是传说,足球其实也迷信!
The magnitude and distribution of wave forces have a direct effect on safety and stability of the structure.
That wasn't far from the truth — the weather had a direct effect on his business — but it wasn't exactly right either.
The idea behind idempotency is merely that the change involved should not be a direct effect of the GET request itself.
Type and Parameters deployment of the regulators have direct effect on the operating characteristic of HVDC system.
Food prices have risen sharply in recent years, dealing a major blow to the poor. This has a direct effect on diet and health.
We, therefore, hypothesize that intrauterine infections during pregnancy may have a direct effect upon trophoblast cells through TLRs.
In the past decade, the parliament has demonstrated that it can have a direct effect on European (and global) science and technology policies.
A study involving middle-aged women showed that taking ginger had a direct effect on the brain and improved their reaction time and memory.
Children need help understanding that their self-esteem and the self-esteem of those they interact with have a direct effect on each other.
This aspect of the communication restrictions may have been more significant to the results than the restrictions' direct effect on the speed of game play.
Improving teaching quality is a most important task for higher education. In-class teaching quality has a direct effect on the level of teaching quality.
The name you choose has no direct effect on the configuration as it is a free-form text string that is used only as a label in the administrative console.
And the changes in ocean chemistry are the sort of thing that can be expected to have a direct effect on the geological record if carbon levels rise far enough.
And the changes in ocean chemistry are the sort of thing that can be expected to have a direct effect on the geological record if carbon levels rise far enough.