The spark energy was measured by the direct measurement method, and it was more than tradition ignition system.
There are collective parameter method which is adopted in lightning protection rules, direct measurement method, electromagnetic field method and so on.
A method of using the photothermal effect in the direct measurement of diffusivity of nanometer materials is reported.
The method of toughness test such as Direct Crack Measurement and Indentation Strength by Bending etc. Are also introduced.
The errors of harmonic wave analysis and direct sampling in electric parameters measurement are analyzed. The method to minimize errors is presented.
For overcoming the shortcomings of conventional methods for vorticity measurement, a new direct measurement of vorticity (DMV) method extracting vorticity from particle images was proposed.
Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibro-acoustic transfer properties of resilient elements - Part 2: dynamic stiffness of elastic supports for translatory motion - Direct method.
The experiment and results of measurement of boron content in boric acid mother liquor by direct coloring colorimetric method of aqueous phase are reported.
Built up a kind of measurement method that is an EDTA direct titration, which USES reducing method to calculate the zinc ion content of the chlorophyll iron zinc derivatives.
This is also a precise modeling measurement method. Compared with the DC exciting and direct reading method, the identification of this method can be much smaller than the digitized error.
Seismic measurement is a direct method for understanding the physical condition of earth interior, and material composition of the earth interior may be deduced by some elastic parameters.
Compared with the model building method based on thermal error, it was more direct for measurement. And the measured data could also be reduced accordingly.
Two methods, direct and indirect methods, are usually involved in the measurement of waxy crude oil's dynamic yield stress. Stress relief method is one of the best ways in indirect measurement.
This paper introduces the method for direct measurement of tritium concentration in urine using liquid scintillation.
A pulsed solenoid magnet, which is applied for direct measurement of magnetocaloric, is designed by classical electromagnetic method and finite element numerical value calculation method.
This paper brings up a method called demagnetization dynamic measurement system for measuring the direct current resistance (DCR) of the transformer due to the characteristics of the windings.
The authors introduced the methods and advance of grain size analysis technique, including direct measurement, sieving analysis, setting method and the laser grain-size analyzer;
Direct parameters were attained from the measurement data, and hidden parameters of the model were calibrated using the generalized least squares method.
Direct parameters were attained from the measurement data, and hidden parameters of the model were calibrated using the generalized least squares method.