Nokia also has to establish a direct relationship with its users like Apple's or Google's.
Blood pressure tends to rise in direct relationship to the amount of sodium a person consumes.
There was no direct relationship between genetic differences from breeds and geographical distances.
This has a direct relationship to the maximum sessions property and, in turn, to the throughput of the MDBs.
There is a direct relationship between the degree of hearing loss and the degree and site of tympanlsclerosis.
As for wearing a watch wrist is black, and poor air quality, dust long card has a direct relationship in watchband.
A client's thinness bears a direct relationship to its cost, because less capable systems are less expensive to produce.
It established the direct relationship between stress and strain that is the basis for the formulas of linear acoustics.
There is a direct relationship between the amount of fiber in the horses diet and the amount of wood chewing that occurs.
Real time SAR signal preprocessing occurs on the radar raw data, and have no direct relationship with the imaging algorithm.
On the other hand, you might treat Requests more like requirements and determine that there is not a direct relationship yet.
We evaluated third-party providers, but determined we could best meet the needs of our customers through a direct relationship.
Pay attention to the price of a commodity, its use or the traditional concept of "value" is not necessarily a direct relationship.
The attached graphs illustrate the direct relationship between drought and the amount of carbon plants absorbed between 2000 and 2009.
There is also a direct relationship between the way a business treats its employees and the way workers treat the animals in their care.
Furthermore, we have illustrated the direct relationship between the enterprise's business capability and the functionality implemented on projects.
There may or may not be a direct relationship between the data elements exposed on the service interface and the underlying physical data stores.
If it succeeds, it could create a two-tier NATO in the east: a few countries with a direct relationship with America, and a vulnerable rump without.
Some researchers believe that there is a direct relationship between high levels of organics and dense populations of disease organisms in aquaria.
This arrangement allows a permeability that establishes a direct relationship of the building to the outside and suggests various possibilities of use.
But he shows that the experience is important because it reminds us about the source of the food we eat and its direct relationship to the natural world.
Therefore, the language in classroom teaching is the use of proper teaching on a direct relationship between the success or failure of important factors.
The appearance of modern Chinese writers' autobiographies has a direct relationship with the rise of the modern era and the influence of Western culture .
In today's business-driven enterprise, there is a direct relationship between the enterprise's business capability and the functionality implemented on projects.
You can see a direct relationship between the problem domains that software addresses and the solution domain within which that software is built and executed.
With that one word -- united -- he invoked the full scope of Abraham Lincoln’s achievements and firmly established the direct relationship between the two men.
A correct understanding of night environmental meaning and a proper design of the space have a direct relationship with the quality of city night environment.
With the new tablet, media companies could be submitting themselves to similar pricing restrictions and sacrificing their direct relationship with customers to Apple.
With the new tablet, media companies could be submitting themselves to similar pricing restrictions and sacrificing their direct relationship with customers to Apple.