They launched a frontal attack on company directors.
Some of them think that big company directors don't do any work, but just sit in their offices gathering in the profits.
The obvious conclusion might be that outside directors, with inside knowledge of tricky times ahead, prefer to save their own reputations, rather than those of the company they are serving.
Other members of the Sulzberger family work for both the Times Company and the newspaper, as both journalists and directors.
This is typically done by hiring directors who, although they may have no business ties to the company, are socially close to its top brass.
Directors from failed companies are red-flagged in company research reports, says Paul Hodgson, communications director and research associate at corporate governance research firm GMI.
Corporate directors and executives can be sued and even face criminal liability if the company fails to properly disclose business risks — including, many now worry, the cost of emissions.
This allowed company finance directors (and speculators) to change their risk exposure depending on their view of where rates would go.
For example, all 30 directors and executives in your company need to see all the sales data in your application.
In 1977 Mr Mohn set up a non-profit foundation, which now holds 76.9% of Bertelsmann's shares, though the voting rights lie with another company, half of whose directors are members of the family.
As adolescent readers moved on to more musical types of entertainment, they took their appreciation for Frank Frazetta's artwork with them... and record company artistic directors knew it.
Members of the board of directors, members of the board of supervisors, managers, and employees of a securities company are not allowed to take up concurrent posts at other securities companies.
The articles of association of the company are binding upon the company and its shareholders, directors, supervisors and general manager.
It may surprise the company directors how much we made or how little we made according to the accountants.
The directors, supervisors and general manager of the company shall report to the company the number of the company's shares held thereby, and may not assign such shares while they are in office.
The board of directors of the company may decide that a board member is to serve concurrently as the general manager.
Article 23 the system of job responsibility of the general manager under the board of directors is adopted by the joint venture company.
Well, the company — the board of directors — decides if and when to pay dividends to the shareholders and then the law of the state would say that they must treat them all equally.
Article 58 Following are the rules and regulations formulated by the board of directors of the joint venture company.
Article 58 Following are the rules and regulations formulated by the board of directors of the joint venture company.