UNIX USES a unified directory tree.
For Derby this means adding derby.jar into the Server directory tree.
对于derby来说,这意味着将derby . jar添加到应用程序服务器目录树中。
Stow is now installed in its own directory tree under /usr/local/stow.
Stow现在被安装在位于 /usr/local/stow下自己的目录树中。
This is the starting point in the directory tree for resolving user accounts.
Each base entry is mapped to the root of a directory tree in a given repository.
Now, change directories to where you'd like the new XFS directory tree to be created, and type.
现在,将目录改为您希望创建新XF s目录树的位置,然后输入。
Refer to the file directory tree shown in Figure 3 as a reference to where you can find the files.
Listing 4 shows how you can use the pushd and popd commands to quickly navigate the directory tree.
Here's how to list all the files in your home directory tree that were modified exactly one hour ago.
The design diagrams of various of buildings and structures are managed with directory tree styles.
Similarly, you can list all the files in your home directory tree that were modified at any time today.
We now have a fast, easy way to upload files from a local directory tree of any depth to a remote server.
The set of environments (typically a directory tree) to which a directive applies is called its scope.
Shows how to return the largest or smallest file, or a specified number of files, in a directory tree.
Import the portalusers.ldif file from the Download section into your LDAP to create the LDAP Directory Tree.
从下载部分将portalusers. ldif文件导入到您的LDAP中,创建ldap目录树。
Shows how to group for all file names that occur in more than one location in a specified directory tree.
A UCM component is simply a directory tree made up of files and directories that has one component root directory.
Working directory is a directory used as a reference point within a directory tree in a computer operating system.
What if you want to apply an operation to every file in every directory and subdirectory in an entire directory tree?
It parses the original RFC file, and generates a section directory tree as well as a page index for content browsing.
After the global parameters you should define a number of modules, each module exports a directory tree as a symbolic name.
Typically, this command installs Samba to the /usr/local directory tree, which is the usual location for locally compiled binaries.
通常,该命令将Samba 安装到 /usr/local目录树,这是本地编译的二进制文件的常用位置。
That's much simpler than going up three parent directories, and then heading back down the directory tree or using the absolute path.
An application's package directory tree inside the stow directory should be the same as the desired tree inside the target directory.
It would be ideal for the put_file method to handle this case by automatically creating the missing parts of the file's directory tree.
put _ file方法理应通过自动创建文件目录树中的缺失部分来处理这种情况。
Therefore, ensure that the user cn=ldapbind,o=ibm,c=us has access to read and search the LDAP Directory Tree with the suffix o=ibm,c=us.
因此,确保了用户cn=ldapbind,o=ibm,c=us 有权读取和搜索具有 o=ibm,c=us后缀的LDAP目录树。
BladePack can create a simple directory tree containing files to be installed or an installation that includes an interactive user interface.
This paper focuses on unified user management system for the management of portal directory tree and single-point landing support design.
The second and third entries ensure that only ForumModerators can access the content in the directory tree where this web.config file resides.
第二条和第三条确定只有角色为ForumModerators的用户才可以访问web .config文件所在目录中的内容。
You don't need to create a directory tree or message database for the default locale; the strings for that locale are already embedded in the code.