While he was going back home, a dirty dog followed him.
Fresh milk smelled sour, the dirty dog pen smelled good, and other odors couldn't be detected at all.
When we look at the tobacco industry, we see that you really can teach a dirty old dog some new tricks.
The rabbit was quite dirty, as if it had put up quite a struggle, so I washed it off with the plastic pipe, combed it with the dog brush and blew it dry with the leaf blower.
The boy and the dog were taking a bath because they had gotten so dirty in the woods. The frog hopped all the way to the bathroom door.
The boy and the dog were taking a bath because they had gotten so dirty in the woods.
At an old saloon on a street of mud, There at a table, dealing stud, Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me "Sue."
Black dog rolled on the grass, like often make dirty on me, always let mom give it a bath.
The dirty dog's owner explained to him: "Actually just now I want to explain to you, but your dog action is too fast &can't wait for the fight."
那狗主人答道: ”其实刚才很想跟你解释﹐但在话还没说完之前你那狗狗就等不及冲向我这宝宝那儿打斗了。
The dirty dog's owner explained to him: "Actually just now I want to explain to you, but your dog action is too fast &can't wait for the fight."
那狗主人答道: ”其实刚才很想跟你解释﹐但在话还没说完之前你那狗狗就等不及冲向我这宝宝那儿打斗了。