Yea, maybe when you have build your successful business, people in the disaster-affected area may already died long time before your successful business.
Sandstorm is a frequently occurred disastrous weather in northern China and occurred frequently in recent years with increase in disaster-affected area and loss.
沙尘暴是我国北方经常发生的灾害性天气,且近年来发生频率增加,尤其是今年春季沙尘暴次数多、 强度大,对国民经济造成重大损失。
Assuring access to safe water and primary healthcare services is crucial, as are surveillance and early warning to detect epidemic-prone diseases known to occur in the disaster-affected area.
More than 60% of the vast northeastern state of Queensland has been declared a disaster area, and flooding has affected almost 3000 homes.
As soon as he heard about the earthquake, Dr Rizvi and his team packed their equipment and drove to the affected area. Theirs was one of the first medical teams to arrive at the disaster.
As soon as he heard about the earthquake, Dr Rizvi and his team packed their equipment and drove to the affected area. Theirs was one of the first medical teams to arrive at the disaster.