Not very long ago, it was also unthinkable that a virus would shut down nations and that safety nets would be proven so disastrously lacking in flexibility.
Her scheme crashed disastrously.
His financial scheme crashed disastrously.
Jennifer Parker's day had started disastrously.
Their profits began to spiral down disastrously.
Then, disastrously for Hare, electric shocks were outlawed in the early 70s.
It could dash, disastrously, the EU's already flagging enthusiasm for expansion.
This is not South Korea's first experience with good intentions going disastrously awry.
Over the last two years profits have soared while employment has remained disastrously high.
Over the last two years profits have soared while unemployment has remained disastrously high.
The New York's circulation remained the same but the number of all pages dropped disastrously.
The country avoided a property bubble of the kind that burst so disastrously in Spain and Ireland.
The subsequent siege ended disastrously with a raging fire in which scores of people were killed.
So are 350, 000 refugees in the disastrously overcrowded Dadaab camp near the border with Somalia.
China and America have one advantage over history's great-power pairings: they saw the 20th century go disastrously wrong.
Their earnings were pumped back into the international financial system, inflating a credit bubble that now has popped disastrously.
In the 1990s, many pension funds made far too big a bet on equities, a gamble that went disastrously wrong in the 2000-02 bear market.
The figure isn't disastrously bearish. But it's hardly bullish. And it hardly suggests the market is on sale, even after the recent slump.
It would be easy simply to blame predatory bankers who got greedy, conning people into absurdly unaffordable loans that came disastrously unstuck.
Last week, however, John Marburger, Brookhaven's director, set up a committee of physicists to investigate whether the project could go disastrously wrong.
The 1815 eruption of Indonesia's Tambora – one of the most violent ever recorded on Earth – led to a disastrously cold summer across much of the globe in 1816.
Dumpster fire refers to a person, organization, or situation that is hopelessly and disastrously out of control, or something very difficult that nobody wants to deal with.
But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously.
Dumpster fire refers to a person, organization, or situation that is hopelessly and disastrously 1 out of control, or something very difficult that nobody wants to deal with.
Unemployment is disastrously high, while U.S. inflation data over the past few years almost perfectly match the early stages of Japan’s relentless slide into corrosive deflation.
Unemployment is disastrously high, while U. S. inflation data over the past few years almost perfectly match the early stages of Japan's relentless slide into corrosive deflation.
Unemployment is disastrously high, while U. S. inflation data over the past few years almost perfectly match the early stages of Japan's relentless slide into corrosive deflation.