When changes the supply air velocity and discharge area in the OR.
The granite type uranium deposit in Xiazhuang, formed in the discharge area of fossil hydrothermal system, is a product of thermal water_rock interaction.
The present invention modifies the shape of the transparent electrode to broaden the discharge area, so that the luminous efficiency increases to improve a luminance.
本发明修改了透 明电极的形状,以加宽放电区域,使得发光效率增加以提高亮度。
To the discharge in the air gap, with the increase of applied voltage, the discharge area is larger, and the time interval is smaller, and discharge pulses frequency is higher.
Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge, 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area.
An area of ionised air formed by a discharge of electricity commonly used in powder electrostatic spray equipment.
The discharge cell structure has been re-designed, which can provide larger display area and facilitate the panel fabrication.
The cooker discharge, percolator, press, grinders and other equipment in the finished product area shall be entirely separate from the charging and other raw material handling areas.
Discharge of 166 units of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (arc) area was recorded extracellularly in 75 immobilized rats.
A seizure consists of an explosive discharge of nervous tissue which often starts in one area of the brain and spreads through the circuits of the brain like an electrical storm.
The port of discharge may also be shown as a range of ports or a geographical area, as stated in the credit.
EDM (Electro Discharge Machining) is one kind of special processing method, and it is widely used in mechanical area.
In the exploiting area of underground coal mine, most of them are facing the underground water discharge.
The increase of image resolution can bring a brilliant prospects for the application of pulse discharge imaging technique in the engineering area.
A two-dimensional mixed steady-state model of side discharge is applied to the prediction of water quality for the water source area of the Langshan waterworks in Nantong City.
Home readiness signals that the time has arrived to discharge the patient from the recovery area.
And water is used in cold test. Through changing operating conditions, throat area and back pressure, the change rule of discharge coefficient and pressure recovery factor were found.
The river discharge, suspended solid (SS), drainage area, slope, population and the type of land use were considered as the indexes of the input invariable for COD.
The domestic sewage discharge is the important source of non-point pollution in rural area.
The lightning accident is serious in mountain area to install controllable discharge lightning rod on the tower top can solve the problem of lightning strike.
That surface area was key to allowing the new device to hold and discharge electricity very efficiently.
Street vendors normally setting up next to the residential area, without the proper disposal of garbage and sewage discharge, the filthy surroundings will stop customers from coming.
Conclusion Lateral fissure area as soon as a sufficient discharge pressure to increase vascular surgery.
In discharge measurement by the velocity-area method, determining positions of velocity and depth-measuring verticals is a prerequisite condition to this measurement.
The relation of design flood peak discharge rate to collecting area in Nenjiang River basin was discussed in this paper.
Air pollutant emission from the mining area contributes 19.64% of the regional emission; wastewater discharge accounts for 30.7% of all municipal industrial wastewater discharge;
矿业废气排放占整个区域大气污染负荷比达到19 64%,产生的各种废水占市内工业废水排放总量的30 7%;
Air pollutant emission from the mining area contributes 19.64% of the regional emission; wastewater discharge accounts for 30.7% of all municipal industrial wastewater discharge;
矿业废气排放占整个区域大气污染负荷比达到19 64%,产生的各种废水占市内工业废水排放总量的30 7%;