A drain line should be attached to the relief valve to channel any potential discharge to a safe place of disposal.
The installation of a Watts air gap with the drain line terminating above a floor drain will handle any normal discharge or nuisance spitting through the relief valve.
A drain line should be attached to the relief valve to channel any potential discharge to a safe place of disposal.
Must not be smaller than the pipe size of the relief valve or have any reducing coupling installed in the discharge line.
I. To disconnect the fixed CO2 start up line (include in fire station) and to close CO2 discharge valve to engine room.
The installation of a Watts air gap with the drain line terminating above a floor drain will handle any normal discharge or nuisance spitting through the relief valve.
Therefore, it is essential that a discharge line be piped from the valve in order to carry the overflow to a safe place of disposal.
The discharge line must be the same size as the valve outlet, and must pitch downward from the valve to a safe place for disposal.
The discharge line must be installed to allow complete drainage of both the relief valve and the discharge line. The discharge line must not be restricted or reduced in size under any circumstances.
No shut-off valve should be installed between the relief valve and tank. or in the discharge line.
No shut-off valve should be installed between the relief valve and tank. or in the discharge line.