There's little doubt that nearly everyone who comes in contact with the Net has difficulty disconnecting.
Disconnecting from the datastore.
When I was disconnecting his service, he objected to my leaving with his phone.
The example ends by closing the queue handle and disconnecting from the queue manager.
However you do it, disconnecting from the Internet is a great way to get things done.
I had planned on beginning at 8 PM, but I ended up disconnecting the computer at 5:40 PM.
In this new connected world we may want to switch off but that doesn't mean disconnecting.
You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.
It's not just eBay that is disconnecting, or better yet, selectively connecting with favored customers.
The connecting and disconnecting sounds, as well as the longer delay, are part of this improved process.
Every hoist must have a means of disconnecting the power supply to all drives under load from the ground.
Existing residual air pressure after disconnecting the air compressor from the machine has to be expelled.
Code applications to properly close and disconnect their connections prior to disconnecting or shutting down.
The unit to base electrical plug permits instant valve unit replacement without disconnecting piping or wiring.
Putting satellites in 'safe mode' and disconnecting transformers could protect them from damaging electrical surges.
Group disconnecting method was used to analyse the program design for the two-degree freedom plane multi-bar mechanism.
Many people bypass the download-limit for free users by disconnecting the internet and reconnect to get a new IP address.
The essential action is to stop turning away and disconnecting from the suffering we impose on others by our food choices.
As in the previous listing, be sure to clean up on completion by closing the queue handle and disconnecting from the queue manager.
Keep connections and queues open if you are going to reuse them instead of repeatedly opening and closing, connecting and disconnecting.
Doesn't that prove that people's payroll taxes were saved to pay for future benefits, disconnecting them from our larger budget problems?
On the plus side, you’ll find that occasionally disconnecting (fully) from work will make you more productive when you return to the office.
When disconnecting cylinders with diaphragm valves, it is most important to double close the valve and to properly install the outlet seal.
Due to an interruption of communication, these batteries are in the state of floating charge, and not allow disconnecting from the circuit.
With this regulation disconnecting the linkage between the yard and the street, the challenging part was to reconnect this fracture with a solution.
Three months after disconnecting the machine, Koch filed a quarterly report with Texas regulators, while concealing that it had violated the emission rules.
The END() subroutine executes when the script terminates and ensures that a DBI error message about not explicitly disconnecting from the database doesn't occur.
当脚本终止并且确保没有出现关于数据库未显式分离的 DBI错误消息时, END()子例程就会执行。
The END() subroutine executes when the script terminates and ensures that a DBI error message about not explicitly disconnecting from the database doesn't occur.
当脚本终止并且确保没有出现关于数据库未显式分离的 DBI错误消息时, END()子例程就会执行。