The public's discontentment fanned new inquiries into the issue.
We must accept that these statistics imply so much discontentment.
"Hunger breeds discontentment", this shows how important it is for us the food!
And while wisdom yields calmness, intelligence much of the time leads to discontentment.
Settling a great dispute but leaves some discontentment behind. Can this be called good?
But while I was away, a sense of discontentment grew inside me that I knew wasn't going to go away.
No one could really agree the modus of search engine companies, but only few people express their discontentment.
God calls us to repent of discontentment and learn to rely on his grace when it comes to our shortcomings and weaknesses in life.
More needs to be done to manage air passengers' expectations about the service they will receive and to address those issues that are causing discontentment.
Such cruelty brought forth the wonders of the terra cotta soldiers and horse, the Epang Palace, and the Great Wall, but also kindled the anger and discontentment of the lower class.
The concordance priority index and disconcordance priority index of the theory can be used to disclose the character of the evaluated object from degree of contentment and that of discontentment.
The concordance priority index and disconcordance priority index of the theory can be used to disclose the character of the evaluated object from degree of contentment and that of discontentment.