But even if that turns out to be too optimistic, both theory and evidence make it reasonable to expect a significant discount from the sticker price.
Well, there's a formula that's been used by bond traders for hundreds of years and it's a traditional expression, which goes from the discount rate to the price.
Next, we update the bills again, setting the total bill to the price minus the discount plus the sales tax, which is read from the state table.
接下来,再次更新账单,将总账单设置为价格减去折扣和销售税,这从state 表读取。
The Customer List Price CLP is derived from the IRP using discount or mark-up.
The first order from APPOINTED DISTRIBUTOR LTD shall be paid for by bank transfer with order, for an additional 10% discount off the purchase price as outlined in this agreement.
Effectively, you get interest from this because it's sold at a discount, so the price that you pay is equal to one hundred minus the discount.
The first field, Field1, defines a discount. Set it to 0.20 for a discount of 20% from the base price.
From viewpoint of operation manager, the invention can adjust attributes of trade such as discount and preferential price etc. so that operation manager can adjust marketing strategy;
在运营商的管理角度来看,该发明能实时调整充值折扣、优惠金额等交易属 性,利于运营商根据市场情况进行调整营销策略;
From viewpoint of operation manager, the invention can adjust attributes of trade such as discount and preferential price etc. so that operation manager can adjust marketing strategy;
在运营商的管理角度来看,该发明能实时调整充值折扣、优惠金额等交易属 性,利于运营商根据市场情况进行调整营销策略;