Accounting calculates total purchase price, based on the costs, discount level, tax rate, and shipping.
Is it the Company's policy to take discounts on all purchase, irrespective whether payment is made within the discount period?
When quoting, please state terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchase of quantities of not less than 500 dozen.
Within the same scenario the shopping center could decide to pick a random device, as a lucky winner, to perhaps receive a discount on their purchase or perhaps a complimentary item.
We hope you will allowance us some discount on our purchase of 6,000 dozens.
Apex Corporation would like to show our appreciation for your patronage by offering a 30% discount on your next purchase.
All jewelry are available at reasonable prices and discount options are offered depending on the quantity you purchase.
Discount offered to Employee purchase Scheme only. Purchase price is final based on time of purchase. Price inclusive of GST.
Present this coupon to enjoy HK$20 off upon purchase of HK$200 or above and a membership at ELLA will be granted and valid for one year. (Members can enjoy 10% discount on every purchase. )
I can also confirm that based on quantities of 20,000 units or more that a price of5.50 POUNDS ex factory is available less an extra10% discount for payment with your purchase order.
I can also confirm that based on quantities of 20,000 units or more that a price of5.50 POUNDS ex factory is available less an extra10% discount for payment with your purchase order.