The Federal Reserve has cut the discount rate five times in 12 months.
The higher the discount rate, the smaller the liability appears to be.
There's another interest rate that the Fed sets and that's called the discount rate.
The current interest rate is sometimes used as a simple (but incorrect) proxy for discount rate.
Signs are all there — inflation falling, interest rates dropping, Fed discount rate down to 12.
Can you guess what the present value of $10 million in 100 years would be at that discount rate?
So one possible discount rate is the state's cost of borrowing, the yield on its municipal bonds.
Otherwise, it shall adopt the interest rate provided in the lease agreement as the discount rate.
The interest deducted prior to purchasing, selling, or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate.
Prioritarianism therefore makes for a relatively high discount rate; utilitarianism makes for a lower one.
This rate of return is often referred to asthe discount rate, hurdle rate, or opportunity cost of capital.
In 2003 they decided to change that and they decided to raise the discount rate above the Federal Funds rate.
QUESTION FROM DAVID SPETT: What are your thoughts on the Fed's decision last week to increase the discount rate?
The most convincing evidence or its decision on the discount rate down again after the interim meeting statement.
Also, the Fed lowered to 0.5% the discount rate, which is the rate at which the Federal Reserve lends money to private Banks.
In February, the Fed raised the discount rate, charged on direct loans to commercial Banks, to 0.75 percent from 0.50 percent.
When the Fed cut its discount rate on August 17th, it admitted for the first time that the credit crunch could hurt the economy.
Well, the discount rate is sort of the — you notice there are two different interest rates here and you might be confused by them.
Determining the correct discount rate requires sophisticated theory, and we members of the public cannot do it without advice from experts.
They do so by taking their higher discount rate from the money market, where people exchange future money for present money, and vice versa.
Unlike most providers who charge you for the initial sale AND also the return , you will NOT pay any discount rate on sales you didn't make.
The reasoning is usually based on a discounted-cashflow model; a lower bond yield means a lower discount rate and thus a higher present value for shares.
A 25bp cut in the Fed Funds rate, possibly with a steeper cut to the higher discount rate, at which it lends to Banks, looks the most likely prescription.
So, the bid price is the--they don't do it in terms of price, they do it in terms of discount so the bid discount rate- there would be two numbers for each.
After a roller-coaster week, Wall Street closed up today. The rebound comes after the Fed cut its key discount rate a half percentage point Friday morning.
The boy would go say, we're offering to pay a discount rate of 2.51 — that was the formula and then anyone could do these calculations; they knew what it meant.
Shadow rate of interest Rate of interest used as te discount rate in project analysis. Include consumption rate of interest and accounting rate of interest.
Shadow rate of interest Rate of interest used as te discount rate in project analysis. Include consumption rate of interest and accounting rate of interest.