Rather than ensconce the discouraging news in falsely hopeful language, the doctor imparted the diagnosis in a clear, straightforward manner.
For a country in which roughly 200 million people are overweight or obese, scientists today have discouraging news: Even those who maintain a healthy weight probably should be eating less.
From the oilspill in the Gulf of Mexico to the U.S. failure to pass a climate bill to the toxic sludge in Hungary,most of the environmental news of 2010 was discouraging, if not horrifying.
We thank you for Easter and the reminder that no matter how discouraging our week was this last week, there is good news in the future for us.
Though this week's news from Bonn was discouraging, any of these five dynamics could tip the balance toward a more optimistic outcome in Cancun.
Though this week's news from Bonn was discouraging, any of these five dynamics could tip the balance toward a more optimistic outcome in Cancun.