As for the price, our superintendent will discuss it with you later.
If you think one of them fits your tax situation, discuss it with your tax adviser.
I'm not sure if this is just my observation or if it's indeed a global phenomenon, so I'd like to discuss it with you.
As an employee, if you wanted extra time off, how would you discuss it with your boss in order to get your request approved?
You should not make this decision in haste. You should discuss it with your doctors. You should discuss it with your loved ones.
So, if you keep patience in the start and show them support, by just giving them a sweet smile and saying, "Okay", they might come and discuss it with you, honestly, when they are ready.
Before you take unusual steps to fix the problem, you should discuss it with them first.
If you like to become a doctor, why don't you meet with a doctor and discuss what it takes to become one?
You could do what you wanted with the ten minutes-summarize the book, talk about its central idea, or discuss an aspect of particular interest-but you had to do it in these ten minutes.
I'd be happy to discuss with you, outside class, at greater length my favorite theories as to where the argument goes wrong and why I think it goes wrong in Descartes' case as well.
This icon is the symbol for portrait mode and if you're not confident with changing apertures (we'll discuss this below) it's a good mode to switch to as it will do some of the work for you.
When you come back to me do not make any arrangements with other people until you and I discuss it.
Question: if you have sorts of colleagues, how to cooperate with them? Let us discuss it separately.
I see. Let me discuss it with our purchasing manager and then I'll get back to you.
If your doctor recommended that you take a PPI, don't stop taking the medication until you discuss it with him or her.
I have a rather important problem about how to deal with complicated hole condition. Would you mind if I called on you to discuss it.
Once an agency has determined that it would like to represent you then you can discuss with the agents what type of photos you'll need in order for them to promote you to their clients.
If you as soon as possible to discuss this issue with others, you can easily resolve it.
Well, what I am going to do next is discuss what's happening to you guys with my co-workers first, report to my boss if necessary, and then figure it out. Sound good?
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this position with you at your convenience, as it sounds like an exciting opportunity.
I will discuss it with the client right now, and I will call you later. Thank you, Mr. Johnson.
We'll give you written feedback about your proposal and then meet with you to discuss it.
I will discuss this with Chris, Gary and Brian today and then Gary can recheck the production plan with you so it is agreed upon.
The point is to discuss and plan now, while you are most in love and most in tune with each other, not later, when you need to argue it out, and these become power issues as much as financial issues.
And there will be a different exam in the afternoon, but I think it only makes sense for you not to discuss the paper with people that are taking it in the afternoon.
In case you'd want to chew the fat related to it, Iwould absolutely adore to discuss together with you, my name is Martin.
In case you'd want to chew the fat related to it, Iwould absolutely adore to discuss together with you, my name is Martin.