Community members discuss relevant issues, conduct polls to gather information, and share resources.
The People’s Bank of China and the FED have met in various occasions to discuss relevant issues. The bimonthly meeting held by Bank for International Settlements is one of those channels.
A: Members of the secretariat composed of representatives of the media organizations will meet and discuss relevant issues whenever it is needed, in which they shall report the latest developments.
In the next part of this series, I will discuss the common scenarios, the relevant solution patterns for these scenarios, and will look at the most common issues affecting these scenarios.
To discuss the relevant legal issues in franchising practice is beneficial to the legislation on franchising and establishment of a sound legal environment.
Each chapter will report the current state of knowledge through a comprehensive review of the most recent literature, and discuss relevant clinical issues through extensive use of case illustrations.
Furthermore, sponsors should discuss with the relevant FDA review division any unique issues or challenges encountered that are related to the data collection from the EHRs.
This article will discuss the relevant issues of the System of People's Supervisor from the view of the background, value and improving suggestions.
It is a space where relevant actors discuss policy issues and persuade and bargain in pursuit of their interests.
Therefore, this article on the banking and supply chain business alliance between the bank and build the supply chain as well as the establishment of relevant mechanisms to discuss issues.
Therefore, this article on the banking and supply chain business alliance between the bank and build the supply chain as well as the establishment of relevant mechanisms to discuss issues.