They did not live together since being married, so they had no ideas to discuss with each other.
My aim is to build a marketplace for ideas. A place where we can educate, entertain and discuss with each other topics we find interesting.
In order to bridge this gap, experts encourage couples to discuss their expectations with each other and ensure they have similar ideas about their relationship before taking any big steps.
The point is to discuss and plan now, while you are most in love and most in tune with each other, not later, when you need to argue it out, and these become power issues as much as financial issues.
They expect to discuss possible solutions for conflicts involving air pollutants among the three countries after consulting with each other to determine the level of air pollution.
In the teaching activity of course of the network, teachers and students need the exchange, study in coordination, need to discuss and share with experience each other between classmates.
She assumes that spouses discuss their plans with each other because their lives are interwind, so the actions of one have consequences for the other.
I am very satisfied with this team, took to communicate with each other, the original do their own thing, but it soon will be able to discuss the issues together.
This paper will discuss interaction of them, and the link-nod through which they communicate with each other.
They can exchange ideas and discuss successes and failures. They can debate educational policies. Or they can just sympathize with each other.
Sometimes, we share our feelings with each other. Sometimes we discuss a few difficult problems we meet in our study. Sometimes we go for an outing or even go shopping window.
Sometimes, we share our feelings with each other. Sometimes we discuss a few difficult problems we meet in our study. Sometimes we go for an outing or even go shopping window.