In this paper, botany properties, commercial character, disease resistance and productivity of 9 kinds of yellow skin pepper are measured and analysed.
At present, the QTL location of Chinese cabbage mainly focus on character of configuration, character of agriculture, character of resistance disease and so on.
Among CIMMYT barley germplasms, some were endowed with good agronomic character, good adaptability and high disease resistance.
Rocketsalad(E. sativa Mill) has strong adaptability, and has many good character such as drought-resistance, enduring infertility, disease-resistance, enduring salt-aphis and so on.
The photosensitivity, good propagate-ability, disease resistance, and barrenness-enduring et. al ought to be main character of widely adaptive cultivars.
This paper has reviewed the recent research progress on molecular marker of tomato gene-resistance locus including quality resistance-disease character and quantity resistance-disease character.
The results showed that the disease resistance of F 1 hybrids was continual and had quantitative character inheritance that was controlled by multiple gene.
The results showed that the disease resistance of F 1 hybrids was continual and had quantitative character inheritance that was controlled by multiple gene.