First, regardless of the amounts, passing through obvious personal expenses as a business expense is disingenuous and a competent auditor will call your ethics and judgment into question.
We have nothing against small scale, low output, farming systems but to suppose this is a model which will feed the world's growing population is disingenuous.
A few weeks ago I wrote a post, Live Life as an Experiment, that received a lot of strong criticism. People called my behavior unethical. Disingenuous. Manipulative. Materialistic. Deplorable.
But despite the disingenuous claim by the Kremlin that the manoeuvres were "not aimed at any third country", it is equally clear that they form part of a global chess-game.
When confronted with a tough interview question about your past, don't give a measured response that sugarcoats reality, as interviewers will quickly see it as disingenuous.
I am not saying BPMS vendors are disingenuous in trying to sell you a BPMS under the argument that it actually does that.
Vartan Oskanian, Armenia's foreign minister, retorts that "expressing concern about a process that doesn't exist is disingenuous".
亚美尼亚外长法尔坦•奥斯卡·尼雅(Vartan Oskanian)反驳道,“对一个并不存在的进程表示关心是没有诚意的”。
Now a disingenuous clamor of names went through my mind, followed by a very loud internal voice that said, "You, you bugger. You're the man."
'I think the Chinese are a little disingenuous to say,' Now isn't it so bad that we hold all these dollars.
'I think the Chinese are a little disingenuous to say,' Now isn't it so bad that we hold all these dollars.