You can choose the mode from the Oculus Configuration Utility's Rift Display Mode screen.
When the users are using it , they can also control the display mode through certain hot keys.
The color display mode can generate 4096 levels of color using the dithering algorithm and FRC.
利用抖动算法和帧频控制,这种彩色显示模式可产生4096 种颜色。
Represents the display mode used for changing the layout of Web pages that contain Web Parts controls.
But WEB information is unlike common text on the display mode, and the WEB has its own topology structure.
Line, surface display mode pattern using screen printing, assembly assembly methods using the latest technology!
"Death" is the theme of Flaubert concern, in his novels, with a different kind of display mode and deep meaning.
Here you can choose the display mode for threads. For a full explanation of the modes, please view this help page.
MiniView class. Handles display of the navigational view for quick access to documents, while in document display mode.
Everytime you shift disc the display mode returns to lap time even though you have selected one of the other two display modes.
The URL is not rendered when the page is in a display mode where controls can be dragged, such as design, edit, or catalog mode.
When the crown is pressed to open the case the stem switch is also depressed, bringing the watch out of standby and into display mode.
This control is visible only when a Web page is in catalog-display mode, which is a special view that lets users add and remove controls on the page.
The LED display system is composed of display module, controller and computer used to implement the characters inputting and the display mode selecting.
The image capturing apparatus allows for control of the exposure conditions for acquiring the live view images in accordance with the selected live view display mode.
When users switch to a different display mode on a Web page, the page will often take on a very different appearance, depending on the purpose of the new display mode.
From the display mode of transmission of classified media, such as: static media, video media, the media were to simulate the interaction of different design strategies.
There were different mode of computation and three universal algorithms. The display mode of results also was varied. And the evaluation of results can be given directly.
This paper introduces a color LED displaying system which involves such researches as: producing and processing of image data, features of design and display mode of the screen.
This paper bases author's several years experience in the DSO development of software, mainly introduces waveform display mode and waveform graphics of the digitizing oscilloscope.
The present invention relates to a display apparatus to synchronize a synchronous signal and an inverter driving signal in response to a display mode, and a control method thereof.
Many factors work on the target volume calculation, such as PET image acquisition mode, scatter correction, attenuation correction, reconstruction method, image display mode, positron pharmacy.
Art gallery advocates the "diffuse boundary" in order to break the usual separation in exhibition by a dispersed display mode. This helps build a miraculous space with widespread possible path.
In retained mode, you define and display an entire world of 3d objects, including information on their appearance.
This allows for customized display of columns in drill-down and cooperative mode scenarios, including ordering or hiding of drill-down columns.
The example application in Figure 1 shows how you display the data in the custom-made form in read and editable mode from XML storage.
It would be great if you could open an app by voice (“Open Angry Birds”) instead of hunting through 11 screens, or turn on Airplane Mode by voice, or display a certain set of photos.
如果你能通过语音就能打开一个软件(比如说,愤怒的小鸟),而不是通过在11个屏幕中翻来翻去的查找这个软件,那就更不得了了。 你也可以通过语音把手机设置成飞行模式或者要求它显示一组照片。
High contrast (hereafter referred as HC) mode is specific for the display.
I-Mode - a protocol primarily used in Japan to display Web content on small mobile browsers.
i - Mode—主要在日本用于显示小型移动设备浏览器上的Web内容的协议。
I-Mode - a protocol primarily used in Japan to display Web content on small mobile browsers.
i - Mode—主要在日本用于显示小型移动设备浏览器上的Web内容的协议。