We need the display monitor, twenty chairs, the whiteboard, pens, an eraser, and coffee and pastries. Anything else?
If there is no image on display monitor, first ensure that the adjustment for brightness and contrast are properly set.
Then, with electrodes attached to their scalps, they looked at a computer display monitor that presented names of stimuli.
Remarks Color may be affected by display monitor, the picture is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
It will have the corresponding error on the uniformity correction to the LED display monitor for the influence of quantized error and the visual function.
A KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) switch is a hardware device that allows a user to control multiple compute from a single keyboard, video display monitor and mouse.
Uses the microcomputer and the back light liquid crystal display monitor as the man-machine operation interface, has the ration setting, reset and the ration production function.
But for the most part, PCs have remained pretty much the same - on the outside at least: a keyboard, a space-eating display monitor and a box that holds all the "guts" of the computer.
This topic is proposed at this time and this is the first display monitor which develops independently with the non-configuration software of CNR Dalian Electric Traction R&D Center also.
Before the operation completes, the data that is passed between components will display in the request and response monitor events (shown in the left side of the editor).
Almost every display sold these days is widescreen, whether you're buying a notebook computer or a monitor.
Using the hypersensitive camera on the monitor, Dr. Shatzel zoomed in and out and swung the display left and right, much as if he were turning his head to look around the room.
More important, the iPad 2 also has video mirroring, ensuring that once you have connected the device to the HDMI adapter, the iPad will display the contents of its screen on an external monitor.
更重要的是,iPad2还拥有视频镜像功能,可以确保一旦连接到HDMI适配器,iPad 2将会在外部监视器上显示它上面的内容。
The Monitor development toolkit comes with an editor you can use to edit an SVG diagram for display inside a diagram widget.
A modeline is a configuration line in a configuration file that provides information to the server about a connected computer monitor and how to drive it at a specified display resolution.
Should you feel the need for something a little larger, you can hook the Eee up to a monitor via VGA and HDMI or, in the case of the more expensive model, the display can be connected wirelessly.
如果你需要大一些的部件,可以通过UGA和HDMI接口连接显示器。 对于一些价格更高的机型,也可以无线连接显示器。
From part III of this serial article, we knew ITCAM for SOA can monitor the traffic data and display a Service-To-Service topology view.
如本系列第3部分所述,ITCAM forSOA能够监控流量数据并显示一个Service - To - Service拓扑视图。
To configure the Instances widget for Loan_InitiationOne, select the corresponding monitor model, Loan_InitiationOne, and click Set as default, then choose all available columns to display.
要为Loan _ InitiationOne配置Instances小组件,请选择相应的监测模型Loan _ InitiationOne并单击Setasdefault,然后选择所有要显示的可用列。
In the Monitor Type section, configure the Settings to support the maximum resolution your display can handle.
It's easy to see if a site's been designed on only a PC, the page is too wide on a Mac, typically 620-640 pixel wide tables fit a PC's monitor but are too wide to display on a 14-15 "Mac monitor."
显而易见的,如果一个站点只针对PC进行设计,它的页面就会在Mac上太宽,有代表性的是620- 640像素宽的表格适合一台PC的显示器,但是在14 - 15英寸Mac的显示器上,它就太宽了。
The WebSphere business monitor runtime product enables the monitoring of business processes in real time, providing a visual display of business process status.
Continuously monitor, display, totalize and data log flow through any flume or weir.
VGA Monitor — Greater than 256 colors for optimal display.
Being able to display video, documents and games on a full sized monitor while having additional backup storage are just a couple of benefits of the smartphone dock.
The information is stored in the display and is used to communicate with the system through a display Data Channel (DDC), which rests between the monitor and the PC graphics adapter.
这些信息保存在display节中,用来通过一个DDC (displayDataChannel)与系统进行通信,这是在显示器和PC图形适配器之间进行的。
A scheme is proposed to take the display of monitor device or microcomputer control system as the redundancy of the other for efficiency use of existing resources.
NOTE: When powering on the system, the video monitor can take as long as 30 seconds to display an image, depending on the amount of memory installed in the system.
Abstract: This monitor display presents a new algorithm of color gamut extraction for monitor display with aims on the demands of color management system.
Abstract: This monitor display presents a new algorithm of color gamut extraction for monitor display with aims on the demands of color management system.