It was in this casual way that Wendy one morning made a disquieting revelation.
It must be the summer air that affects me with feelings almost as disquieting as they are refreshing.
Although it felt somewhat disquieting at first, I realized that my presence was perhaps an oddity with so few foreigners in that area.
But there are some disquieting trends.
He makes disquieting reading, but you won't find him in the mainstream.
The internal in the middle of the package name for these classes is a little disquieting.
Inside Russia, there are other disquieting similarities to what was thought of as a bygone era.
And in the end, as after a disquieting dream, I knew I had been in a hypnotic sort of elsewhere.
He heard from the kitchen the steady drip of the refrigerator, a rhythm demanding and disquieting.
Third, you need a personal peace that will disconnect you from disquieting or threatening thoughts.
These transformational events have been, at times, highly inspiring, at other times, deeply disquieting.
The results, published online a few weeks ago in the Journal of Applied Physiology, were rather disquieting.
数周前,他们的研究结果在《应用生理学》(TheJournalof Applied Physiology)杂志网站上发表。然而,研究结果令人不安。
Perhaps even more disquieting were results published a few days earlier in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
也许更让人焦虑的是前几天发表在《内科案卷》(Archives of Internal Medicine)上的调研结果。
Through digital editing, these images constitute a new universe, one that is quite abstract and often disquieting.
But now that it had been put into words - given life, as it were - it was a palpable, disquieting presence among us.
But while these figures are disquieting, a smaller fraction of people were affected than was the case two decades ago.
Financial crises are marked by a disquieting uncertainty about the value of assets and money, which makes them deeply disorientating.
Finally, there are some disquieting signs of a tendency on Mr Obama’s part to tailor his message to whichever audience he is talking to.
These confirmed their previous findings and led them to the rather disquieting conclusion that Descartes was in error and Spinoza was right.
Even as Melissa and I married, in a small ceremony with family and close friends, our overworking led us to join the disquieting "uni-moon" trend.
The character USES his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone.
Such disquieting continuity amid changes raises an intriguing question: If the consensus was so incontestable, why has the system not already collapsed?
In the later Nocturnes the contrasts themselves become subtler, the shifting of the ground under our feet often the more disquieting the less noise it makes in the process.
But equally disquieting is the way the writers and critics quoted in "Resisting the Tide" seem to draw their identity from the scandal they denounce and their futile resistance to it.
She lost her fear of his betraying her secret, but there always lurked in the back of her mind the disquieting memory that he had seen her at her worst and knew the truth about Ashley.
She lost her fear of his betraying her secret, but there always lurked in the back of her mind the disquieting memory that he had seen her at her worst and knew the truth about Ashley.