Disregard of corporate personality system reflects law's pursuit for fairness and justice in essence.
It is an important light revised point establishing the disregard of corporate personality system in new company law.
The article pays attention to discuss the applicable scope of the disregard of corporate personality system and hopes that this system can be...
Disregard of corporate personality system originated in the States, and it is acknowledged by more and more countries as prejudication or legislation with the improvement of corporate personality.
Company law in China which clearly prescribes creditors as the subjects of appeals will start the system of disregard of corporate personality.
Broadening scope of the subject of appeals in the system of disregard of corporate personality is the best way to strengthen corporate social responsibility.
But there is a dispute about the scope of the subject of appeals in the system of disregard of corporate personality in our academic.
In judicial practice, viewpoints vary regarding whether the system of disregard of corporate personality can be applied in investigating the responsibility of dormant investors.
This paper is totally divided into four parts: part one summarizes the system of disregard of corporate personality.
In 2005 the newly revised "company Law" has confirmed one-member company and disregard of the corporate personality system.
In 2005 the newly revised "company Law" has confirmed one-member company and disregard of the corporate personality system.