Today's leading killers, such as heart disease, cancer, and aging itself, will become distant memories.
When times get hard remind yourself of how short lived they will be, and how in next to no time they will become just distant memories.
He's happy now, but tomorrow morning, when the crowd and the nachos are distant memories, his bitter mantra of recent days will start again.
The memories of events that took place in the distant past remain intact, whereas those that occurred at intermediate times are lost in a graded manner.
Although the ability to play back memories like a movie remains a distant dream, a new study has taken a provocative step in that direction by decoding neural signals for images.
The frontal cortex may therefore be better suited to the task of retrieving memories that were encoded in the distant past.
In 2010 those memories of European hubris will seem cruelly distant.
It is a culture distant to us Ruyang, it does not give us the lost civilization, deep thoughts of civilization can be passed along, so full of fragrant memories of the two sides.
My life, in the world you call Arcanum, seems so very distant…the memories clouded like those of a child.
Dedicated to the beloved teacher let's search for those beautiful memories are distant silently bless you always healthy.
Dedicated to the beloved teacher let's search for those beautiful memories are distant silently bless you always healthy.