Don't talk to a girl about other girls' attractiveness; it's distasteful and can degrade the girl's opinion of herself.
He found it distasteful to be offered a cold buffet and drinks before witnessing the execution.
The leaves of an oak tree taste foul because they are rich in tannins, a chemical that renders them distasteful or indigestible to many organisms.
While I'm fully aware that basketball is an emotional game, such a distasteful term should never be tolerated.
Afterwards I found out that the payment for the crime report may be distasteful, but it seems to be policy, rather than a bribe.
The idea of a job was distasteful to a person like Armando, so he got out.
"We're considering legal action as it is a knock-off and has nothing to do with us and it infringes on our brand trademark," the statement said. "We find it distasteful."
With Julia he felt no difficulty in talking about such things: Katharine, in any case, had long ceased to be a painful memory and became merely a distasteful one.
For example, a critical comment here and there, a distasteful remark, and a bad joke.
I could no longer talk or laugh freely when he was by, because a tiresomely importunate instinct reminded me that vivacity (at least in me) was distasteful to him.
He spoke in a cold, dead tone, as if making a necessary but distasteful explanation to a stranger.
Yet, after all, as a friend and companion, I hope never to become quite distasteful to my dear master.
Deckard is basically a guy who does his job... who doesn't particularly like his job. He finds elements of it distasteful, but he gets on and does it.
The greater a man is , the more distasteful praise and flattery are to him .
Nay, this introduction of the personal element was very distasteful to him, a violation of his professional honour.
Well, it is the same with hashish; only eat for a week, and nothing in the world will seem to you to equal the delicacy of its flavor, which now appears to you flat and distasteful.
The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him. (John Burroughs, American natural historian).
One who undertakes unpleasant or distasteful tasks for money or reward; a hireling.
One who undertakes unpleasant or distasteful tasks for money or reward; a hireling.