The Distinguished Name of the CA that is issuing the certificate
The password for the User's Distinguished Name, as defined previously.
Add the Bind Distinguished name and password for the LDAP server and select OK.
The format of the specified search base is not a valid Distinguished name!
The distinguished name specified for this replication operation is invalid.
The distinguished name of an external directory service administrator account.
Consider that this same distinguished name can be requested from any trusted ca.
The full distinguished name (DN) of the administrator attempting to authenticate.
管理员的完整专有名称(distinguished name,DN),用于认证。
To locate people based on their distinguished name, the following query can be used.
To complete the distinguished name of the certificate, a domain is usually required.
Enter the distinguished name of the wpsbind user: uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=ibm,dc=com.
输入wpsbind用户的专有名称 (distinguished name):uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=ibm,dc=com 。
Conveniently, the certificate subject's identity is represented as a distinguished name (DN).
为了方便,将证书持有者的身份表示为专有名称(distinguished name, DN)。
Use the distinguished name if authenticating against LDAP, and the uid for RADIUS or Secure ID.
对于使用LDAP 的认证,选择 distinguished name;对于使用RADIUS 的认证,则选择uid;还有一个选项是SecureID。
If anonymous searches are not allowed, enter an Administrator's distinguished name and password.
LDAP USES the concept of a distinguished name (DN) to identify the particular nodes in an LDAP tree.
The Distinguished Name for this user in this scenario is: uid=taiuser,cn=trustedusers,dc=ibm,dc=com.
在该场景中,这个用户的专有名称为:uid=taiuser,cn=trustedusers,dc=ibm,dc=com 。
Dn is a mandatory attribute that specifies the distinguished name of the LDAP object to be retrieved.
To locate members of a group based on the group's distinguished name, the following query is available.
The Distinguished Name to authenticate, the rootdn specified in slapd.conf, is "cn=Manager,dc=ibm,dc=com".
在slapd.conf 中定义的rootdn 身份验证识别名是 “cn=Manager,dc=ibm,dc=com”。
Edit the LDIF file, which defines the root distinguished name (DN) and basic structure DNs, as shown below.
编辑LDIF文件,它定义了根专有名称(distinguished name,DN)和基本结构DN,如下所示。
They contain information in the subject's distinguished name, which can be used as a key into a routing table.
Establish a strategy in advance for revoking access by distinguished name as well as by individual certificate.
Configuring SSL to filter on the distinguished name in a certificate provides an effective form of authentication.
Meanwhile, the server will report the connection request and display the distinguished name presented by the client as follows.
To map an LDAP property that points to a distinguished name, designate the blank node to be of the lmap: ObjectProperty type.
The SAML token will contain the Distinguished Name (DN) of the original invoker and will be signed by the client domain gateway.
Certificates are handled with the CRL, and privileges are granted or revoked by mechanisms that operate on the distinguished name.
WebSphere MQ uses the SSLPEER attribute on the channel to check which distinguished name (DN) values of client certificates it can accept.
WebSphereMQ使用通道中的 SSLPEER属性来检查其能接受的客户端证书专用名称 (DN)值。
WebSphere MQ uses the SSLPEER attribute on the channel to check which distinguished name (DN) values of client certificates it can accept.
WebSphereMQ使用通道中的 SSLPEER属性来检查其能接受的客户端证书专用名称 (DN)值。