However, this theory predicts that the electron has a more distorted shape than that suggested by the Standard Model.
This striking telescopic view even captures the Sun's swollen and distorted shape from the southern coast of the UK.
In this paper, the distorted pulse shape is derived in the chirp pulse transmission through dispersive optical fiber, and the method is given for the chirp pulse not to be widened.
The square's distorted faces change as the main square shape placed for each of the room.
The affected individual has a distorted body image, perceiving self as globally overweight or obsessing about shape and size of particular body parts.
The distorted shape and faint tidal tail suggest that NGC 3628 is interacting gravitationally with the other spiral galaxies in the Leo triplet, M66 and M65.
星系NGC 3628扭曲的形状和黯淡的潮汐尾表明,它与狮子座三重星系的另两位旋涡星系成员M66和M65由于引力而相互作用着。
You can think of the overall shape of the HSV model as being an upside-down cone, even though in reality the shape of the cone is somewhat distorted.
The signal thus received will no longer look like a square wave but will be distorted in shape and spread out in time.
In order to resist the strong torsion stress associated with the support-less winding shape of the bridge, we activate structurally all the sides of its distorted volume.
This paper presents the input voltage shape reconstructed by FFT method from the distorted output shape and unit step response of impulse high voltage measuring system.
Shrinkage distortion typical for three cuts of lumber is illustrated in this log cross section. Note the curvature of the annual rings in each cut and how that affects the distorted shape .
The galaxy's distorted shape is most likely the result of a close encounter with a smaller, unseen galaxy.
Several Authors have presented numerical results which demonstrated the stiffening of 8-node and 12-node quadrilateral isoparametric elements when distorted from a rectangular shape.
Several Authors have presented numerical results which demonstrated the stiffening of 8-node and 12-node quadrilateral isoparametric elements when distorted from a rectangular shape.