Finally, the developing prospect of the distributed computer system is related to briefly.
The paper studied the problem of optimum distribution of files on distributed computer system.
This paper focuses on the availability & real-time Performance of real-time distributed computer system.
The master slave structure is simple and convenient in practical use, so it is often used in the distributed computer system.
Furthermore the distributed computer system of a blast furnace designed by using WDPF system is also introduced. In this paper.
Advanced digital distributed computer system (termed DCS) is adopted in 10mw High Temperature Gas cooled test Reactor (termed HTR 10).
MW高温气冷实验堆(HTR - 10)的仪表与控制系统采用了先进的数字化分布式计算机控制系统(DCS)。
As a typical distributed computer system, the distributed database application in Intelligent Building's OAS is one of the key fields in the researches.
This paper expounds the principles of the distributed computer system and the patterns of inter-connection and analyses its functions and special features.
The mixed group shuffle exchange (MGSE) network is a new kind of multistage interconnection networks used in the experimental distributed computer system THUDS.
The distributed computer system is derived from the concept of parallel processing in the paper and the definition and the features of the architecture are described.
As a matured technique used in many fields, the distributed computer system is still a new management method for the aeronautical electrical power distribution system in our country.
The test structure and test method in an air-born real-time fault-tolerant distributed computer system are dealt. The design of test controller and test buses are also discussed briefly.
By combining distributed computing resources into a single system "image," grid computing creates a virtual computer from which users can access data and resources as required.
To develop the distributed multiplayer structure is a must for the application system and the security of computer and network is a big problem.
The problem of computer system security is discussed with emphasis on distributed system and computer network security in this paper.
The system, which consists of a measure computer and a control computer, is established by the use of distributed control structure.
There are special background and demand for guarantee of reliability in the realtime TT&C computer application system with function distributed architecture.
This paper introduces the function, realization and use of a general distributed computer simulation system.
I also put the hardware and software implementation of the full-distributed computer network based control system.
Through introducing safety problem of the computer distributed system, the concept of survivability is put forward and analyzed, also the definition of survivability is given.
Data type conversion in distributed heterogeneous system is all along an important problem related to the computer and automatic domain.
The basic structure of modern petroleum exploration instruments is distributed data acquisition and control system (DDACS) based on computer network technology.
The author introduces the primary design of distributed computer controlling system for shaft kiln in Huangshi cement plant.
Now we have researched and developed a distributed computer monitoring system based on PSTN for heating power stations in this graduate program.
The test and field operation shows that the distributed on-board computer control system enjoys high performance and conform to design requirements.
A hydraulic parameters computer aided on line monitor and test system which based on two stage distributed computer control mode is introduced.
A new type distributed multimedia control system, which utilizes multimedia-computer, CAN BUS LINE, and micro-controller is introduced.
Role-Based Trust Management System (RBTM) is an effective way to authorization solution in distributed credential management system, and is a hot field in Computer Security.
Role-Based Trust Management System (RBTM) is an effective way to authorization solution in distributed credential management system, and is a hot field in Computer Security.