There is much inconvenience in measuring particle size distribution by experiments at present, because of droplets movement complexity in spray drying.
The deposition and distribution of droplets on the leaf is affected by the sprayer wind velocity of blower which is determined by wind capacity of orchard sprayer's blower.
Percentage of solid droplets in metal spray is a function of droplets size distribution.
The computations show that the droplets distribution, entropy increase, wetness fraction, and flow angle are changed when the shape of trailing edge varies.
A newly designed, very simple instrument for measuring the distribution of electric charge on the cloud droplets is described.
The size distribution, motion behaviours and deposition positions of the coarse water droplets in the diaphragm of wet steam turbines were calculated and analysed.
The particle diameter distribution of liquid droplets is one of the key factors involved in the technology for making fluid ice from a liquid-liquid circulating fluidized bed.
The Raman oscillation within the spherical cavity which includes the oscillation spectra of water and ethanol droplets and the field distribution inside the droplets are discussed in detail.
The effect of ambient pressure on spray Angle, axial velocity distribution of droplets and performance of the thruster are analyzed.
The tannin analyser invented abroad could be used in the determination of the sensitive polyphenols in beer by PVPP distribution droplets methods. The method was proved rapid and accurate.
Water distribution can be improved by reducing the volume of water droplets, distributing water uniformly, and raising the water distribution height suitably.
While ambient pressure is less than the threshold pressure, the effect of ambient pressure on the spray process, velocity distribution of droplets and performance of the thruster can be ignored.
While ambient pressure is less than the threshold pressure, the effect of ambient pressure on the spray process, velocity distribution of droplets and performance of the thruster can be ignored.