When you select a single metric in the metric list, the distribution graph will show the number of elements that have a particular metric value.
By generating a value list in the frequency distribution, the value list by itself can be used to infer key properties of the data.
As part of PM adoption, an EPMO typically works to elicit needs and requirements for regular, scheduled reporting, the individual reports and their contents, and a distribution list.
Hopefully, we added maintainability and reliability to the list of benefits that architects will consider when choosing EJBs, beyond distribution, security, and transactions.
If your server has specific non-standard package requirements, it makes sense to look through the supported package list for each distribution.
For instance, the DITA distribution includes a task type that provides a list of steps as part of the topic content.
The second parameter that governs post message distribution is the receiver address list.
Now, the application no longer needs to use a database client library but still needs to manage all the other aspects of distribution, as mentioned in the list above.
MQDH describes the additional data in a message when that message is a distribution-list message stored on a transmission queue.
While candidates can create their own distribution lists for campaign purposes, the only APA-supported list serve that may be used for campaigning is Member-to-Member.
If you choose to use rsync to manage your files, omit the host-specific file from the file distribution list.
Yesterday, Jane had already sent out an email to her staff and management team, so now she has to update her copy, and then send the updated copy back to her distribution list.
During his 13 years at Apple, the 50-year-old Cook has mastered an expanding list of operational roles, including manufacturing, distribution, sales and customer service.
After you have successfully installed Active Directory, make sure that the Kerberos key distribution center system services is configured correctly in the services list.
The message data of a distribution-list message on a transmission queue has the following sequence.
The list of keywords in the average distribution of bash on Linux are shown in Listing 20.
While the paper's circulation is just 33, 000, those copies go to a golden distribution list that includes the White House, every key Capitol Hill office, and prominent D.C. businesses.
Disciple Jing Xing is going to print the attached card for free distribution. It looks nice, so I share it with all on my list.
Type the distribution list name. This name is used whenever you send messages to members of the list.
Distribution of controlled documents and the transmittal proforma to be used is defined in the attached document control list Table 1.
The study chooses 579-list companies with their dividend distribution of 2001year as specimen; adopt event study method to analyze the market effect of dividend policy.
Any district or club issuing a Rotary directory should include a notice stating that it is not for distribution to non-Rotarians, nor may it be used as a commercial mailing list.
Supervised office staff of twenty clerical, stenographic, and machine operator personnel. Responsible for the monthly distribution of want list to over 200 buyers.
The distribution list cannot be used as a recipient. Please choose a single recipient.
List any names of key suppliers or distribution partners.
The UK and US, with their marked competitive individualism and unequal wealth distribution, both appear towards the top of the world's list of whiniest workers, said Cornish.
Add them to the distribution list for outbound marketing efforts?
The pockets are balanced to allow even weight distribution so that you won't list, even with the heaviest loads.
The geographical distribution of the experts on this list shall be such as to enable any disputes raised under these procedures to be dealt with expeditiously.
The geographical distribution of the experts on this list shall be such as to enable any disputes raised under these procedures to be dealt with expeditiously.