School District Superintendent plays an important role in curriculum leadership within the educational system.
Instead of accepting a scholarship to a university, Orwell decided to follow family tradition and, in 1922, went to Burma as assistant district superintendent in the Indian Imperial Police.
Ms. Cushlanis, a secretary for the Galloway school district, complained to her boss, Annette C. Giaquinto, the superintendent.
The school district has long struggled to close the gap, but “the promise upped the ante”, says Michael Rice, the new superintendent.
A few years ago, when Dr. Alan Storm was assistant superintendent at Sunnyside Unified School District in Tucson, he oversaw legal and disciplinary matters.
Chief Superintendent Erwin Margarejo, spokesman of the Manila police district, said the use of force would be a "last resort".
Bruce currently holds the position of Assistant Superintendent in a district of 200 schools with responsibility for supervising Principal performance.
Messages left on Thursday with Bayonne Superintendent of Schools Patricia L. McGeehan and district attorney Robert Merryman were not immediately returned.
"We are systematically treating every one of those loved-ones with the care and dignity they deserve," says Canterbury District Commander, Superintendent Dave Cliff.
"We are systematically treating every one of those loved-ones with the care and dignity they deserve," says Canterbury District Commander, Superintendent Dave Cliff.