Desperate to goose business, Hagan fell into the diversification trap in 2004, spending $2 million to buy Slim &Tone, a competitor to the ubiquitous express workout chain Curves.
对这笔金鹅生意心灰意冷的Hagan在2004年又陷入了多样化的陷阱,耗资200万美元收购了Slim &Tone公司,这家公司是随处可见的快递训练连锁Curves公司的对手。
When a corporation has more business diversification, its business performance risk declines and business operation risk rises.
Engaging in diversification or insisting on single business operation, which is an important strategic decisions which the enterprises must be faced with in the process of their development.
The business concentrative degree is an important index which reflects different management modes and size extension ways of firms, such as the specialization, diversification and so on.
Local retailers seize business opportunities through the shop network expansion, diversification of the shop operators and global sourcing to meet the enormous needs of the consumer.
After all, business-school casebooks are full of stories about fashionable companies that, in search of diversification, stretched their brand names past the breaking point.
Finally, systematic proposal is raised about how to operate it, including the decision of business diversification, the diversification orientation and the compose of professional work.
On the basis of whether there exists correlativity between the products and business scopes, diversified strategy can be divide into two kinds: related diversification and non-related diversification.
It studies how to realize the maximum of bank profits in view of diversification of bank's business and rapid expansion of the capital scale.
Among the numerous factors influencing diversification, the paper selects the dominant business as the point to study diversification of Chinese enterprise groups.
Only when the core business can absorb excess capital, the enterprise should be the problem of diversification.
It is practical significant to analyze the impact of business diversification and geographic diversification on firm performance, which can unties the puzzle of diversification.
Speed up the normalization and diversification of retail industry and development of new forms of business.
Such firms' big books of business should allow their customers to benefit from diversification.
The diversification will damage sustain profitability eventually while deviating from the core business and core competitiveness.
They understand the uncertainty, and their advanced revolutionary thought ensures their influence even when facing business diversification.
It argues that dimensions of diversification should include three aspects: business, region and function. The difficulty of diversification is associated with the level of diversification.
The company services for the port, because of the history reason, its business scale is relative diversification.
It is also the biggest and most authoritative mobile e-commerce platform, for accurate business and customer diversification the most effective means of marketing.
Among numerous factors that affect the diversification strategy of a business, tax bearing, as an important expenditure, exerts a considerable effect without any doubt.
As financial enterprises, Commercial Banks' economies of scope determine their space and chances of economizing cost and increasing benefit with the multi-business diversification.
The diversification of customers 'needs and personality promote the automobile enterprises to strengthen business management and make efforts to reduce costs.
The diversification of competition pattern, technology upgrading and business integration makes more and more challenges for the telecom enterprises.
The need for diversification of bank credit makes more and more strong request upon intermediate business.
On the other hand, it can reach the target of risk diversification and economy of scale when it takes the advantage of associated companies' specific business.
On the other hand, it can reach the target of risk diversification and economy of scale when it takes the advantage of associated companies' specific business.