In that case, try to divide and conquer. Break the problem into smaller parts you can more easily tackle.
Divide-and-conquer is a recursive technique, meaning that it uses some method to split a problem in half, then uses the same method to split those halves in half, and so on.
Divide-and-conquer algorithms are often useful in sequential environments but can become even more effective in parallel environments because the subproblems can often be solved concurrently.
divide - and - conquer算法也可用于顺序环境中,但是在并行环境中更加有效,因为可以并行处理子问题。
It is the ultimate form of "Divide and Conquer" for at its very core are the assumptions that (1) We must fight each other in order to survive.
A typical parallel divide-and-conquer algorithm takes the form shown in Listing 1.
典型的并行divide - and - conquer算法的形式如清单1所示。
Merge sort takes this idea of divide and conquer, and it does the following: it says let's divide the list in half.
The divide and conquer method is used very widely in many realms, especially on solving non-numerical calculating problems.
But in the case that the algorithms fail to find the optimum solution, the divide and conquer algorithm is more accurate.
By combining the internal buffering technique and the float hole technique with the divide-and-conquer technique, a fast linear-time in-place 2-way merge algorithm is introduced in the paper.
By combining the internal buffering technique and the float hole technique with the divide-and-conquer technique, a fast linear-time in-place 2-way merge algorithm is introduced in the paper.