Such policies will do little to resolve long-standing problems more broadly affecting America's global competitiveness.
When I started off trying to get over being shy, I decided to do little steps at a time, including practicing smiling and saying hi to people.
I have thousands of dreams to realize, but I have to do little by little, step by step.
Bedouin reported the new excavation to the local police in Dhi Qar, but officers there could do little except to draw public attention to the problem.
Clearly, if we set the bar low and do little work, that's a pace that we can maintain indefinitely.
Start in small ways - help others, do little good things, and see what the impact of those things are.
We do little things because they seem like a "good addition", without consciously thinking whether they're really necessary.
Yet, argues Mr Legrain, they too bring economic benefits and do “little or no harm” to the wages or employment prospects of native workers.
On one side, interest rates on federal borrowing are currently very low, so spending cuts now will do little to reduce future interest costs.
Yes, casinos can do little about it, other than kicking you out if they catch you winning too much.
Until then, unless he is bold, the southern Mr Jonathan may be allowed to do little more than keep the seat warm.
But, as medical science has realized over the past few decades, the most prevalent cold viruses in fact do little direct harm to our cells.
Even the best requirement tools do little to help us verify the quality or completeness of the requirements.
ERIKA: he'll do little things, like send a picture or an E-mail to our family and friends when he's proud of me.
Essentially, they should do little more than just capture parameters as often the newly instantiated class won't even be used.
If it goes through, the GM plan would do little harm to American autoworkers; virtually all of the lost jobs in this case would be Canadian.
His civil resistance movement can do little to help the poor and marginalised whom he claimed to want to represent.
It would do little or nothing for neglected castes and tribes. It would not raise the status of women, or encourage breastfeeding and early nutrition.
To get the support for GTK + code, you need to do little more than import the libraries into your project.
要获得GTK +代码的支持,除了将库导入到项目中外,还需要进行其他一些工作。
But while his words can do little to stem the flow, they can do much to convince America that it needs new energy policies.
尽管他的言辞无助于抑制原油泄漏,但是却能有力地说服美国- - -这个国家需要一系列新的能源政策。
The public works do little to better India’s awful infrastructure: many get washed away each monsoon, only to be rebuilt, badly, the following year.
Cities such as Jackson, Shreveport, Dallas and Forth Worth stand out along Interstate 20 and, at left, so do Little Rock and Oklahoma City.
We can imagine ways and means of working with the mineral forms of the three lower kingdoms, but can do little or nothing with living bodies.
But companies and lawyers say that while the courts often uphold their cases, the penalties do little to change the situation.
But critics call GNEP a costly gamble on unproven science that will harm the cause of nuclear energy and do little to combat proliferation.
This augurs well for the Saudi elite, but one fancy new university will do little to lift the overall standard of Saudi education.
And low reservoirs have led to disappointing output this year-something even the best-run hydropower firms can do little about.
And low reservoirs have led to disappointing output this year-something even the best-run hydropower firms can do little about.