Moses holds out a rod during the battle in order that Israel prevails over her enemies, and Joshua will do the same with a javelin.
No matter how good it looked on paper, the flying jeep's goofy appearance gives a good indication of why such a flimsy hybrid would not do well in the heat of battle.
That is something that Republicans simply do not say out loud; it would add inconvenient facts to a battle that they prefer to wage at a purely emotional level.
What makes me somewhat optimistic about what is going is that there is a battle at all inside Iran as to what to do.
Racetracks pretty much look the same from the grandstands or on television - a vast expanse of asphalt on which drivers do battle.
A to-do list is also a good way to battle overwhelm: you won't be worrying that you've forgotten about something vital, and you can focus on just completing one task then moving on to the next.
Colonists from the planet Earth do battle with the native inhabitants of a moon named Pandora over the right to mine a rare and powerful mineral.
"When the Soviets went away," says a senior military officer, "we had a very large number of battle-hardened people with nothing to do."
And it was always a battle to get developers to conform to those, but eventually the tools started to make it easier to do those things out of the box.
The bottom line is that adding vinegar, lemon or lime juice to your meals will do no harm and may help a bit in the battle of the bulge.
Thee environments we do battle in are sometimes quite big. I'll show you how to get a better view of your surroundings.
But there is a vast resource out there of people fighting the same disease who do know what you are going through now and will have to battle in the future, and I suggest you get in touch with them.
The winds shall do battle together with a blast of ill-omen, making their din reverberate from one constellation to another.
When he drew upon the Force to do battle, however, he overcame his otherwise brutish, clumsy nature to become a formidable opponent.
If we do not differentiate among big, middle and small landlords, even striking at rich and middle peasants, it will be as though we are erecting barriers against ourselves in a battle.
There is a constant battle between you and the others who are also after what you want; and is this conflict productive of creative living? Do you understand, or is this too difficult?
I only took the skin off my knuckles just as any clumsy fool might do without going near a battle.
If we do play a diamond, we should control midfield and have more possession and on a big pitch like Old Trafford, if you keep the ball well then that is half the battle.
I do see though, that she has accomplished some great things for herself and the Aes Sedai, and she may be pretty much the only reason we will have a good force of Aes Sedai in the last battle.
I see what you were trying to do. But testing a technique you only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you.
The two San Siro outfits meet on the pitch this Saturday, and are ready to do battle off the pitch in a repeat of the summer battle to bring the Brazilian ace back to the peninsula.
And indeed, he wrote something called a Battle Symphony, and you can just see him, how he's kind of marshalling particular forces to do particular things at particular times.
Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privilege she has allowed me, and I would do it again, gladly.
To reach the final, nine-yang martial art, Artifact heart, ease of transportation, does not drip leak, do not pay almost a hundred, emerge victorious in every battle position.
That means you've got no chance of winning in a battle situation. Whatever you do, don't let them see you.
That means you've got no chance of winning in a battle situation. Whatever you do, don't let them see you.