Executives who do all the talking are those who are deaf to the needs of others.
Do not do all the talking. Ask questions to find out what you both have in common.
But he has since been absent from TV screens, letting his cabinet secretary do all the talking.
Do you think - now that we have the Internet, where all these people are talking to one another, is that swarm intelligence useful or is that - because we're influencing what we think.
After some years of driving, for example, you can do it while listening to the radio, talking on the phone, eating a sandwich, and thinking about the weekend's golf outing, all at the same time.
Ariel proved that all you need is hot bod, lovable quirks like brushing your hair with a fork, and a bunch of helpful friends to do the talking and relationship-coaching for you.
You won't get everything I'm talking about in the lectures, if all you do is the readings.
Of the current revolution, Dan says it's going to be messy, but also exciting. He knows what he's talking about. We would all do well to listen.
Men were more likely to do the avoidance types of responses: start talking about something else, not say anything at all or pretend it didn’t bother them.
On the flipside, it's all too easy to say that members of the public have no right to dictate what the press should do when they don't understand what they are talking about.
And instead of being happy, thinking of the time I can spend running, talking with friends uninterrupted, walking on the beach, whatever it may be - all I want to do is cry.
I had no idea what he was talking about. All I could do was to notify the local police and the World Health Organization.
Today we're talking about using the telephone. This is something we all do, but we don't all do well.
When you speak louder than acceptable, you can be sure the people you are talking to, do not hear you at all.
All the time I check their opinions about the system and the project. They see things managers do not and I use them to check that managers know what they are talking about and do not try to trick me.
Ariel proved that all you need is hot body, lovable quirks like brushing your hair with a fork, and a bunch of helpful friends to do the talking and relationship-coaching for you.
First of all, I do not like the word success. Maybe because everyone is talking about it, I want to avoid it and be different.
I can't believe that after all these years, all the things I know how to do, I'm still talking about my weight.
We know a lot of people are talking about us as a team who can win the league this season, but we have to just analyse the situation and do all we can to improve and think about the future.
In the train, all I could do were playing CARDS, listening to music or talking to my parents.
In the train, all I could do were playing CARDS, listening to music or talking to my parents.