Sweden was the first European country to print and use paper money, but it may soon do away with physical currencies.
Now, for reasons to do with reorganization and a desire to do away with all the expense of early retirement, they were shooting at him with bullets.
The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.
The IMF has for years been urging Syria to do away with subsidies.
On a related note, when did hotels do away with bathroom vents?
So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected?
On October 30th Barack Obama announced that he will do away with this cruel rule.
The challenge is to do away with our current incentives and create new and better ones.
They will do away with cash, so that you need no longer fear being attacked for your money.
The distortion is at places so harsh, it's hard not to wonder why Krell doesn't do away with it.
There are other problems that a numbering system could do away with, such as spelling errors.
With ratio, you can do away with recipes altogether. This app gives ratios for food fundamentals.
But the health service on its own cannot do away with all the factors that lead to poor health.
But what if you could do away with that lens and create a microscope that fits on a cell phone?
This allowed the scientists to do away with viruses and ferry genes into the cells through pores.
StudyDroid doesn't do away with this time-tested system, but rids you of the need for pen and paper.
Some firms are also developing displays built into glasses, in order to do away with the screen altogether.
I'm not suggesting that you do away with layered architectures (even ones that cut across logical domain tiers).
The ants trusted one another: I must do away with the notion that only by working alone can I ensure quality.
Microsoft Thursday announced it would do away with merit pay increases for employees in the next fiscal year.
"We are not," Roosevelt said, "attacking these big companies." We are only trying to do away with any evil in them.
For example, it is developing X-ray machines that expose patients to less radiation and do away with physical film.
Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance!
Eventually, Mr Diston believes, the system may be able to do away with leads altogether, for totally wireless heart control.
London restaurant has decided to do away with bills for the next month, asking customers to pay what they think the meal is worth.
A London restaurant has decided to do away with bills for the next month, asking customers to pay what they think the meal is worth.
They believe that the majority of Arabs will continue to back actions detrimental to Israel in an attempt to do away with the Jewish state.
You've adapted to this lifestyle since it's comfortable - you're not going to want to do away with it unless there's a very compelling reason.
话说,你超重,整体坐在家里看电视。 你已经适应了这种生活,因为这样很舒适,除非有一个非常引人注目的理由让你想要摆脱这个生活。
The modern mantra is to do away with left-nav and right-nav and keep the user as occupied as possible on page content rather than distractions!
Zalasiewicz and his colleagues believe that adopting the concept of the Anthropocene could do away with the old antithesis between man and nature.