I know that like in Japan, they like to cultivate relationships first before they do business with one another.
One cold October day, Mark, a man from outside town came up to Jack and wanted to do business with him.
It may seem obvious, but it's no longer enough simply to do business with our friends and neighbors here at home.
If your client doesn't trust you why would they wish to do business with you?
A man I know decided not to do business with someone, because of a Nasrudin tale.
How can you do business with the Americans? You'll need to improve your English first.
What it signaled is that, despite differences, Washington can do business with Beijing.
But don't try to look too good, because people also want to do business with real people.
Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money.
When you do business with foreigners, you must pay attention to their ways of expressing their ideas.
Now we are not willing to sell domains to you for we never do business with such an unfaithfull client.
It's a third more expensive in regulatory capital terms to do business with a bank than with a non-bank.
If you do have the sincerity to do business with us, please show me your CARDS and put them on the table.
Their counterparts and clients, fearing the worst, provoked the worst by ceasing to do business with them.
Respect this by being easy to do business with and running your company for the convenience of your customers, not yourself.
This would cause endless difficulties for anyone in Los Angeles who wanted to do business with anyone outside of Los Angeles.
The commission will also look at claims that Google restricts the ability of advertisers to do business with competing sites.
Business representatives have suggested that they can do business with Mr Mujica even if they don't particularly like his policies.
You want them to continue to do business with you and to tell others that you are a person of your word, not an eloquent fraud.
"Folks are odd when it comes to sick people, and I was afraid that they might not want to do business with us," says Lovell, 56.
Yet Internet service providers and carrier networks that move data across the globe continue to do business with these crooked firms.
Those companies do not exist in a vacuum - they do business with other firms who will also be hit if they start to rein in their spending.
The electronics firm continues to do business with weak suppliers offering inferior technology, depressing prices and profits for stronger ones.
The electronics firm continues to do business with weak suppliers offering inferior technology, depressing prices and profits for stronger ones.