It will not make you more conscious. Sometimes, in fact, it will do exactly the opposite.
Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what expected of you.
You are inclined to do exactly the opposite of what someone suggests and to reject whatever others say simply because they said it.
And bumblebee this kind of biology however as it happens follows this theory to do exactly the opposite: the body of bumblebee is very heavy, and wing is however very smallish.
And on matters fiscal, the G.O.P. program is to do almost exactly the opposite of what Mr. Bernanke called for.
On the face of it, the obesity epidemic in rich countries presents exactly the opposite problem. For the first time in history, more calories do not mean better health.
On the face of it, the obesity epidemic in rich countries presents exactly the opposite problem. For the first time in history, more calories do not mean better health.