The same problem can be more critical if the standards are either not widely accepted or are proposed by a single vendor and do not yet enjoy the recognition from the industry at large.
They have reluctantly accepted his invitation to a bipartisan summit on health reform at the White House next week (voters do not like the minority party to be entirely obstructive).
The newly released criminals who do not consciously adjust their attitude towards the society would never be accepted by the public again, since they may impose potential harm to the society.
Marx alive when, or in Manchester, he certainly would not have thought his future would be many people know that he thought would be accepted by many people and these people do not necessarily German.
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
It's commonly accepted that the majority of British people do not want to be "in" Europe, which is why we've not been given a referendum on the issue.
The gifts that can be accepted are only those that do not carry any commercial value, such as a notepad or Calendar.
I do not want to lose the publication power of this book, but these Numbers too let a person be accepted hard.
Photos which do not meet these specifications will not be accepted.
Although advertising and other promotional efforts by manufacturers and retailers help to generate sales, they do not dictate what styles will be accepted by consumers.
Figure is not just to be pretty smart, but more important for health. this view is more and more accepted. keep a figure can be achieved through many ways, how did you do it?
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.