He asked me one day, suddenly serious, "you know everything about me, but still you do not hate me."
Rescue me from the mire, do not let me sink; deliver me from those who hate me, from the deep waters.
Nay, 'cried the young Fisherman,' I may not be at peace, for all that thou hast made me to do I hate.
I hate not being able to sort by any item or attribute, so I wrote an auxiliary class to do it for me.
But the feeling that she does not seem to hate me, do not know in the end do not hate hate me?
But do not trouble about me. I hate being a burden to my friends, and I do not expect to be one much longer. Indeed, I almost hope not.
恐怕永远也不可能了! 不过请不用为我发愁。我不愿成为朋友们的累赘,料想这也不会很久了。真的,我希望不会太久。
I am ugly, but I do not hate God give me this face, I just hope they can live in the flat Fanfan.
Please do not ever bother responding to me with any of your hate-filled nonsense -which you are so good at spewing in your lousy English.
I do not have hate in my heart for anyone but God provides for me so graciously so that I will have all the grace I need to forgive everyone of anything they may have done against me.
Now I know who transmitted to me, after my symptoms also know that usually occurs a week after infection. I do not hate him, which have only themselves to blame …
Now I know who transmitted to me, after my symptoms also know that usually occurs a week after infection. I do not hate him, which have only themselves to blame …