However, dreams often leave people confused, with 52 percent saying they do not make sense and 60 percent wishing they could know what they mean.
Within close friendships people are able to look at the world and wrestle with questions, wrestle with the things that do not make sense or are disturbing.
It is not required that you should have such methods, but they are useful as they don't allow user to fire commands that do not make sense at that point in time.
To programmers, "hacker" connotes mastery in the most literal sense: someone who can make a computer do what he wants-whether the computer wants to or not.
While there is benefit to using a GMS, it may not make sense to do that with a small team or a mature application that is not changing much.
"When people get married with a very strong sense of material benefit, things can get rather wrong and people do not necessarily have a will to make it go right again," she explained.
"When people get married with a very strong sense of material benefit, things can get rather wrong and people do not necessarily have a will to make it go right again, " she explained.
Do not forget that your translation must be coherent from beginning to end; thus, you should use cohesive elements so that your sentences, paragraphs and the whole text make sense.
Before splurging on a fancy new high-definition television (HDTV) set, though, it is worth considering what features make sense and what do not.
You usually do not find out the method name (item 3), and discovering item 4 does not make any sense.
Even when people do not much believe in the hereafter, they easily invoke or envisage heavenly beings to ease death and make some sense of life.
Naturally, the cursor model API has concepts that relate exclusively to dimensional structures and do not make much sense in relational scenarios.
These are advantages that traditional print maps do not have. If a print map is not clear initially, a person can do very little to make sense of it.
Analysts said it would make sense for Apple to introduce a cheaper iPhone, especially in overseas markets where carriers do not subsidize handsets.
JCDI applications look extremely clean and even [though] JBoss Seam provides a lot more features, they do not necessarily make sense with a RIA front-end.
First love, always some Qing my camera lens, each recall , sweet taste is thought of , make your sense of taste do not work.
Those words make no sense to foreigners because they do not understand the context.
But to make sense of the data, first, you have to find it. Not an easy thing to do when a plane crashes into the ocean.
Or even you do watch it sometimes, but you do not concentrate when you watch it, it will not make a lot of sense also.
So before splurging on a new high-definition television (HDTV) set, it is worth considering which features make sense and which do not.
For example, teachers will help us memorize and comprehend the words at high school, on the contrary, college teachers will do not help us make sense of words one by one.
It was clear now he'd have to do an autopsy, for there was something about the case that did not make sense.
It was clear now he'd have to do an autopsy, for there was something about the case that did not make sense.