To avoid mistakes, do not take medicine in the dark. Always read the label before taking, especially noting the expiration date and any directions for use.
为避免差错,勿在暗处服药。坚持在服用前先看药瓶标签,并特别注意其有效期和使用说明。 。
Please take the drug with a full glass (8 ounces, 250ml) of water. You could choke if you do not drink enough water when you take this medicine.
If you want to weaning do not want to take medicine, it is only ailing point, and are so over the Arab-Israeli.
Most people are not receptive to the truth, and they do not want to take good medicine.
It seems many people, a hoarse voice simply can not be sick, take some anti-inflammatory drugs when the drugs do not love to drink plenty of water to take medicine the lead a few days just fine.
Lady... you have to take medicine properly... shot... well... to eat properly Guai! If you do not toe the line... you dare die on the!
If you do not want to take medicine to go to a hospital digging corpus luteum copper, most meeting suspends a week, eat prophylactic of Mom rich grand to be close friends more.
If you do not want to take medicine to go to a hospital digging corpus luteum copper, most meeting suspends a week, eat prophylactic of Mom rich grand to be close friends more.